What I think about when I'm slow sewing
Before we get into the things that I think about when I'm slow sewing, I'm going to list the things I'm not thinking about:
- all the housework/chores/laundry that needs to be done. Sometimes we just need a moment of quiet meditative stitching to calm the squirrel brain before we tackle another thing on the list. I will never feel guilty for taking some me time.
- all the other random things that float into and out of my brain on a regular basis and distract me from whatever task I'm trying to accomplish. Hand sewing has that quieting effect on me that helps to drown out the noise.
- things I should probably do but have decided to ignore LOL
- the coffee over there I just made (an unfortunate casualty of getting distracted with something I LOVE so much!)
The more I write this blog post the more I'm convinced I likely have ADHD, but have been able to manage it with activities like this. Or it's a masking tool... whatever LOL!
I like to consider my evening stitching sessions almost like a reward. I spend all day doing my day-job on the computer, so the last thing I want to do at the end of the day is spend more time on a device. I find it really hard though to relax if I don't keep my hands busy, hence all the handwork I do.

So what do I think about when I'm slow sewing?
As I just mentioned, by keeping my hands busy it allows me to focus and do some REAL thinking. About the issues my kids are having and how I can help them, about the loss of family members, about how to help a friend when I'm feeling like I can't help them. I also do some of my best planning, rolling ideas around for new projects, letting my creative brain do its thing, etc. And even though I still have thoughts rattling around in my brain, the meditative, rhythmic motions of hand sewing has always helped to put things into order and perspective.
Hand sewing has, and hopefully always will, ground me and bring me a sense of calm. And I think that's such a gift.